My Passion is guiding women’s adventure trips.

It's funny how life presents new paths and opportunities. After 25 years in real estate, a field I once loved, a longing for change led me to the great outdoors. Embracing nature, I discovered the beauty of hiking and solo travel, planning group adventures with friends across stunning landscapes in the U.S. The culmination of my journey took shape when I purchased a teardrop camper, embarking on a trip to one of my favorite places, Sedona.

It was there I crossed paths with Cimarron, a chance meetin that would set my life on a new trajectory. Encouraged by her to share my resume and apply for a guiding position, I stepped into a role that merged my passion for nature with empowering women. Following the closure of REI's adventures division, I knew my purpose was in creating and leading women’s hiking trips in Sedona.

Now, I embrace this thrilling guiding journey, welcoming fellow adventurers to experience the breathtaking beauty of the outdoors, one trail at a time.


Our guides are all Wilderness First Responders (WFR) or Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certified. This means we’ve been through rigorous first aid training. Safety comes first, and we will provide preventative advice throughout the experience. We’re confident in making decisions that may feel like a let-down, so that you stay safe. Your well-being is our first priorty.


Throughout the adventure, we will share stories, fun facts, and truly immerse you in the experience. We want you to return home with a yearning to return. We want you to feel a connection with Sedona like we have. She is a magical place, like no other. It is an honor to be the ones who introduce you and foster a connection with a place that is dear to our hearts.


What is a vacation if there isn’t FUN? We expect laughter, even belly laughs that bring tears to your face!! Every trip is unique, and yours will be a special memory to keep forever. The women who come together create an epic squad that can’t be replicated, and if a single person is missing, the dynamic changes. Ultimately, the point I want to make is that YOU are integral to the group’s bond!

Fun & Togetherness

We foster an environment of respect. Respect for all skill levels, novice to seasoned hikers, we’re a unit, supporting each other. Whether we’re watching someone complete their first hike, or cheering someone on during a tough up-hill, we will all respect, and be grateful we have the ability to share time together in a beautiful setting.



Do you have questions? We want to ease your mind and set you up for an amazing experience!